Heritage House provides peer counseling, recovery coaching, and relapse prevention groups. Our Recovery Coaches are your partners for recovery. Suppose you or someone you know is experiencing difficulty with substance abuse. In that case, we can help you access services, navigate systems, remove barriers to recovery, and work to build recovery capital. Need an AA meeting or looking for a treatment program? No worries, we can get you there.
- Peer counseling and Relapse Prevention Planning
- SUD (substance use disorders) and MAT/MAR (medication-assisted treatment and medication-assisted recovery) Navigation
- Intakes, Screenings, Assessments, and Case Management
- Peer Groups and Recovery Support Groups
- Relapse Prevention Groups
- Recovery Coaching – individualized
- In-Jail Services
- Advocacy
- Linkages and ReferralsÂ
- Transportation to AA meetings
- Re-entry Case Management – Needs Assessments
Sanctioned Programs
- Batterers Intervention (52 weeks)
- Child Abuse Intervention (52 weeks)
- Anger Management
Drug Court
- Recovery Supports
- Transportation